Many professions are involved directly or indirectly with tropical landscape, yet there are few sources of readily digestible information for the student...

In 1818, William Cattley succeeded in flowering one of the first species of the genus that would bear his name. These first cattleyas are the classic...

This authoritative book provides the first comprehensive coverage of the popular and varied genus Buddleja . Buddlejas are wonderful garden plants whose...

Homeowners, garden designers, landscape professionals, and anyone with an interest in highlighting and improving the look of their home landscape will be...

The most comprehensive and up-to-date encyclopedia of irises available. Irises are beloved by enthusiasts who garden in a wide variety of zones, including...

Where most bulbs books repeat the seasonal approach to bulb gardening by bloom time, assuming the usual fall ritual of mass planting bulbs by the bushel,...

Gardeners throughout the world love these majestic tall flowers, but few are aware of the many colors and forms that are now available with the burst of new...

With incisive intelligence and beguiling prose, John Beardsley tells the story of about twenty-five "visionary environments" and the fiercely independent...

This highly illustrated, practical guide surveys the important species of the genus Camellia, as well as the numerous cultivars raised around the world....

Clematis are among the more versatile and diverse plants for any garden; few flowers can fill so many garden niches, from specimen plants to dwarf...

Christopher Lloyd was one of the world's most outspoken and adventurous gardeners. In this, his last book, he offers his unique perspective on creating...

What risks did early European plant collectors take to bring to Europe and America those plants we know and love. Who found what where? Christian has gone...