AGES 1- 8

Fish come from all over the ocean to see Puffy the Puffer Fish's amazing bubbles. Big bubbles, small bubbles, square bubbles . . . they've never seen...

Barry and his fishy friends are playing Hide and Seek. Puffy finds a great hiding place in an old wreck, but he gets scared out of his wits when he sees a...

Format   Paperback |   28 pages Dimensions   210 x 210 x 11mm | 196g Publication date   01 May 2018

Friends Fox, Rabbit, Hedgehog, and Mouse all love to read. One day, they find a book in the woods and set off to return it to its owner, Bear.

With just 27 words, the inimitable Ruth Krauss created a charming little universe. Now Maurice Sendak has turned her bears into a troupe of players in...

Parenting is a competitive sport these days. With all the pressure on the modern parent, a little comic relief is not just welcome; it's a matter of...

"Little Bear flumped down in the snow and wiggled his tail. 'I'm not sleepy,' he said, 'and I don't want to go to bed yet.' "Mother Bear smiled. 'Shall we...

Join the sleepy friends as they settle down for bed.

This busy noisy building site is run by Little B. 'What shall we build today?' he asks. His team says, 'Wait and see!' Children will love pressing the...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Antelope has high hopes. She believes that she will win everything, but that leads to disappointment. How can Antelope learn...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Bear is often worried. She feels anxious about  many different things, and that stops her from having fun. How can Bear...