AGES 1- 8

Author: Jasmine Brooke Bear is often worried. She feels anxious about  many different things, and that stops her from having fun. How can Bear...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Cheetah is not tidy. He can be very messy, and that upsets others. How can Cheetah learn to tidy up? This book helps children...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Crocodile often feels lazy. He is too lazy to try hard at school, and that means he does not do well. How can Crocodile learn...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Elephant is often rude. He is rude to his friends, and that upsets them. How can Elephant learn to be polite? This book...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Flamingo can be unkind. When she is not kind to her friends it upsets them. How can Flamingo learn to be kind? This book...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Giraffe gives up easily. She often does not  try hard enough, and that means she loses out. How can Giraffe learn to try?...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Gorilla is often scared. He finds it difficult  to try new things, and that means he loses out. How can Gorilla learn to be...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Hippo does not always make good choices. He often rushes into things, and that gets him into trouble. How can Hippo learn to...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Koala does not always tell the truth. She often tells lies, and that gets her into trouble. How can Koala learn to tell the...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Monkey often feels impatient. She finds it hard to wait, and that gets her into trouble. How can Monkey learn to be more...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Panther often feels jealous. He can feel  very envious of others, and that leads to upset. How can Panther learn to manage his...

Author: Jasmine Brooke Peacock can get very excited. He finds it  hard to calm down, and that can cause trouble. How can Peacock learn to calm down?...